Fall Competitive + Sideline
Frequently asked questions.
When will the fall season run?
Our fall season will run from May 19 to mid-November. State will be held November 15 + 15 and November 22 and 23rd. Athletes must be available both weekends.
What will practice schedules look like?
From May 19th-August 8th ALL teams will practice 2x days a week. We believe that this summer schedule does give flexibility to our families with planning activities with their loved ones. These schedules are subject to change based on registration numbers.
For May 19th-August 8th
Kindergarten/1st Grade- Tuesday/Thursday
2nd Grade- Tuesday/Thursday
3rd Grade- Monday/Wednesday
4th Grade- Tuesday/Thursday
5th Grade- Monday/Wednesday
6th Grade- Monday/Wednesday
7th Grade- Tuesday/Thursday
8th Grade- Tuesday/Thursday
Friday or Saturday practice will begin for grades K-6th beginning week of 8/11
When is Choreography for teams?
Choreo for the majority of teams will be held the last week of July, and first week of August. Choreo attendance is mandatory for all athletes. Choreo dates are mandatory.
Where is the practice facility?
Midwest Sports Training - Our heated indoor facility is located just off of 59 and North Ave, behind Menards.
What if we have a vacation scheduled?
We appreciate how much forethought our families put out there when planning vacations. Bartlett Raiders Cheerleading will excuse pre planned vacations in May 2025 and June 2025 that have been booked PRIOR to February 1, 2025, permitted they do not exceed more than 3 absences from practice. If you are a family with a pre booked vacation, we ask that you email evidence to bartlettraiderscheerleading@gmail.com, and we will excuse your child. This includes, airline tickets, hotel reservations, airbnb bookings, etc. Our attendance policy will stand at three absences per season, once that is exceeded, athletes must provide documentation of absence to remain on the competitive team.
Cheercago 9/6-9/7
Cheer Rodeo 9/20-9/21
Cosmic Clash 10/4-10/5
Cheer Pink 10/18-10/19
Spirit Spooktaular 10/25-10/26
*K-3 will participate in 3 competitions
*4-8 will participate in 4 competitions
* BRC will be able to register for desired comps on 5/10 and notify families. For planning reasons, please anticipate that it can be ANY of those dates.
When is Camp this year?
Grades 5-8 are CONFIRMED and registered for ICA Camp Castaway. Athletes grade 5th + 6th will be attending June 6-June 8. Grades 7th + 8th will attend Camp June 13th-15th. This year, BRC will transport athletes to Carthage College. Families are welcome to come to the third day final performance at Carthage College and bring their athletes home from there.
When does registration open + Close?
Returning Spring Athletes: Feb 9
Returning Fall Athletes: Feb 10
Open to the Public: Feb 11
ANY athletes who desire to be evaluated for a Super Rec team must be registered no later than MARCH 15. Evaluation dates and times will be released shortly as we confirm our outside evaluators. Evaluations will be completed by BRC Coaches + 3rd Party Professional Coaches + BRC Cheer Board. Athletes that elect no evaluation will be placed on our rec teams. THERE WILL BE NO EXCEPTIONS MADE TO THIS DATE FOR EQUALITY AND FAIRNESS OF ATHLETES AND TEAMS.
Registration closes for all programming on April 15th.
What is not included in registration?
Athletes will need to purchase all black competition shoes. These can range from $40-$150. A mandatory slush of $100 will be collected from each athlete. Slush covers comp gifts, homecoming gifts, coaches gifts, and team bondings throughout the season. Each ICA competition our athletes have a change to earn a bid to the State Championship! ALL of our talented teams have earned bids over the past several years! State costs are $165 and a fundraiser will be available to offset costs.
What are the fundraising requirements?
This year, all fundraising will go directly to the athlete to offset camp and registration costs. There is no mandatory fundraising.
how much is registration?
Grades K-3 $750
Grades 4-8 $825
Payment plans available
Financial Sponsorships available by emailing bartlettraiderscheerleading@gmail.com to determine if you qualify.
Note: Bartlett Raiders Cheerleading is a non-for profit program with no paid employees. Registration fees are kept low and affordable for our community. For that reason, we will not be able to refund any registration fees after April 15, 2025. Any refund requests are subject to a $100 withdraw fee.
Have additional questions?
Feel free to contact us at any time with additional questions, comments, etc.
You can contact our Cheer Director (Marisa Kaufman) at - bartlettraiderscheerleading@gmail.com